Global Methodist General Conference

Convening General Conference

September 20-26, 2024  |  San Jose, Costa Rica

Convening Conference Overview

Our time together in Costa Rica was a defining moment in the life of our new Global Methodist movement. A move of God. An answered prayer. We are only beginning to process how the Holy Spirit is working in us and through us to advance His kingdom worldwide. Our teams are hard at compiling, documenting, and reformatting all the work done by the General Conference so it can be published for use. A detailed progress update on our work is coming soon. In the meantime, pray for the ethos and essence of the words captured on paper last week to come alive in practice as we embark on a new season of ministry! In the waiting, let us reflect on the people and purpose of The Global Methodist Church: to make disciples of Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness across the globe.

Mid-Texas Conference Delegates

Lay Delegates

Dave Roberson

First Methodist Waco
I am a member of the Mid Texas Leadership Council and its Executive Team, working to create a Jesus Christ centered Leadership Structure for Mid Texas that reflects our Mission to Worship Passionately, Love Extravagantly, and Witness Boldly. After much prayer, contemplation, and encouragement from my Pastor, I am willing to serve as a delegate to the convening General Conference, bringing the same focus and desire to the formal establishment of Doctrine and Discipline of the Global Methodist Church.

Della Conner

First Methodist Church of Waco
"Since becoming a practicing Methodist, I have experienced a tremendous move of the Holy Spirit guiding me to enter with confidence through doors He has opened and be a voice for the work He is doing locally and worldwide. My role as Conference Administrator for Mid-Texas continues to enlighten me about the importance of the GMC maintaining its orthodox, biblical worldview moving forward." 

Carol Loeb

Asbury Methodist Church
After much prayer, I feel the Holy Spirit is calling me to serve the General Church. I believe He is guiding the GMC into revival for the church universal, and we must have people there who listen to His voice. I am currently serving in GMC Conference leadership positions and have served as a General Conference delegate several times in the past in the UMC. I have the experience to look past the political and encourage true Christian Conferencing.

Jana Fox

McKinney Global Methodist Church
“Why do I want to serve as a delegate to the first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church?” For me, it’s not a matter of “want to.” It’s a matter of calling. I am called to the discipleship of all nations as a Methodist. It’s who I have been through generational blessing and it’s who I am now."

Maria Ortegon

El Divino Redentor Methodist
"We are in a wonderful time of God’s timeline. For such a time as this has the Lord God prepared us and guided us. I feel the Lord has worked with me and molded me for his work, I accept and want to serve as his servant as we continue to go forward with the building if his church plans. I am humbled to be in this great journey of the Global Methodist Church."

Jon Lannom

First Methodist Forney
"I am proud to have been part of the genesis of the Global Methodist Church since 2019. I was a delegate to the North Texas Conference of the
UMC for five years and was a delegate to the Mid-Texas Convening Awaking Conference in Waco. I
fully understand the responsibilities of being selected as a General Conference delegate and the work that goes with it. I agree to work with other members of our delegation to make sure that we are prepared for all the legislation, proposals, issues, etc. that we will be asked to vote on. Representing the Mid-Texas Conference at the Global Methodist Church's Convening General Conference would be an honor and a privilege.

Kathryn Kiser

First Methodist Church Carrollton
"I have been working in the renewal movement of the UMC since the 1990s. I have attended every GC since 2004. Having worked to maintain the Discipline of the UMC, it would be a privilege to attended the convening GC that will adopt the biblically centered Doctrine and Discipline of the GMC. I pray weekly if not daily for my church and the GMC. Although I am not at present in a Band, I have been and have led one several times."

James McClain

First Methodist Church - Frisco
"I would like to be a part of continuing to lay the groundwork for a denomination that I believe God has chosen for some special work in people's lives and in our local communities."

Katherine Reiley

Coker Methodist Church
"Since the Asbury Outpouring, I've felt more called to serve where the Holy Spirit is moving. I thank God for everyone who has worked to form the Global Methodist Church, and am so hopeful to see God use this movement for generations to come. As a seminary student, the GMC has only made me more excited about a future spending my life in ministry. Serving as a delegate to General Conference seems like an incredible opportunity, and it's a responsibility and honor that I would not take lightly." 

Victor Sassone

McKinney Global Methodist Church
I believe in the message and mission of the Global Methodist Church as we serve our Lord in reawaken the fire and Spirt of the Methodist movement in our world. It will be my honor and privilege to be a part of convening General conference.

Charmelle Garrett

First Methodist Church Corsicana
"It would be an incredible honor to serve God by helping establish the foundation for the GMC." 

Lauren Palmer

First Methodist Church Carrollton
“After working on staff in a local church for 10 years, I am currently pursuing a PhD in Wesleyan theology, working towards a model of Christian community and corporate sanctification for the 21st century. I believe the Wesleyan movement is the most faithful lens of understanding the Scriptures, and Wesleyan doctrine has much to offer the larger church. It would be an honor to serve the Global Methodist Church as it is being established."

Clergy Delegates

Leah Hidde Gregory

Conference Leadership- President Pro-Tem
"I have been blessed to be a part of the Global
Methodist Movement since its conception. After years of planning, the birth of the denomination has been the answer to a lifetime of prayers, crying out for revival and renewal in the church. Having served on the Transitional Leadership Council
since its formation, I believe I have the institutional memory and understanding that would
significantly contribute to our convening General Conference." 

Ryan Barnett

First Methodist Church - Waco
"I hope I bring a good mix of gifts and experience to serving at the General Conference. I am a pastor of a local church, helped lead disaffiliation efforts across multiple conferences in Texas, serve as
volunteer conference staff, and am the Finance Chairman of the Convening General Conference, allowing me to help secure the international location and initial funding for the gathering. As an executive member of the General Conference planning group, I've pushed to maintain a focus on the Holy Spirit's movement and not rush to institutionalization. At General Conference, I would seek to do the same as I steadfastly work to keep the local church the focus of denominational policy."

Leslie Tomlinson

First Methodist Church - Temple
"After prayerful discernment and encouragement from colleagues lay and clergy, I am submitting my name for consideration as a delegate to the
Convening General Conference of the GMC. I have a special interest in how we organize ourselves to call, equip, deploy, and nurture men and women for ministry in the church. Fostering God's call in the lives of every member is a sacred trust to which the Global Methodist Church is committed. I would be honored to serve our movement in this way."

Matt Pennington

First Methodist Church - Gonzales
"I eagerly observe the spiritual awakening and the desire for a more authentic experience as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ in our faith communities. Serving as a delegate to the General Conference is my way of actively participating in this movement and collaborating in building a meaningful path for our church community, its members and future generations."

Steve Martinez

First Methodist Church - Bowie
"As a delegate to the convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church, I would like to serve for various reasons. I would like to contribute to the decision-making process, helping to shape the direction of the church, and representing the views of the Mid-Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church. As a Hispanic American in a denomination that is in desperate need of more Hispanic representation, I feel that I am uniquely qualified to present a much-needed Hispanic view.”

Paula Payne

Devine Wesleyan Methodist (Interim)
"I am senior status. Yet, I answer the call to be available to serve God in an ongoing effort to utilize my gifts of leadership experience as a pastor,
military chaplain, certified spiritual director, and certified hospital chaplain. Persons in extension ministries are called and necessary to enhance the body of Christ in various vocations to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples. I serve as a member of the Ecclesiastical Endorsing Board of the GMC, Mid-Texas Board of Ministry. I enjoy the unique ministry as an interim pastor, GMC Spirit Led Interim Ministers Network member, and certified lay ministry. I am present and volunteer in the community as a witness for Christ in hospitals when called--especially veterans, and I lead neighborhood Bible study."

Jim Noble

First Methodist Church - San Angelo
"In my role as Treasurer, I believe there will likely be important discussions and legislation around the finances and future of the GMC and, thereby, our conference and our churches. As such, I feel
compelled to be there if at all possible. I have been doing the Treasury work with a salary of Jesus and
thanks to the graciousness of First Methodist and the graciousness of those bearing with me as we
setup and learn. I have also initiated a worldwide Treasurer's group via email and zoom that meets at
least monthly. It has been a blessing to myself and many of us. Prior to serving as Treasurer, I also
served as a Presiding Elder and I remain on the cabinet. I am passionate about the Lord and the GMC."

Jill Jackson-Sears

First Global Methodist Church - Dallas
"Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." (Psalm 127:1a) The first General Conference of the Global Methodist Church lays the foundation for all that we are and will become as a new Wesleyan denomination. As a delegate to this General Conference, I am deeply committed to ensuring that we are built on the sure foundation
that is Jesus Christ."

Shea Reyenga

First Methodist Church - Irving
"The Lord speaks the following through
His prophet Isaiah, ""See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland"" (Isaiah 43:19). Global Methodist Church family, yes He is! He is in me. He is in you. And He is through the Global Methodist Church. I would be humbled to serve as a delegate to General Conference to ensure we continue to be a growing movement of the Holy Spirit who reaches the lost, disciples the saved, and multiplies disciples of Jesus amongst every nation and generation. I believe God has called me to be ready and available to serve in vital areas of the Global
Methodist Church and use all the energy, wisdom, and gifting He has given me to the glory of His name."

Adam Thornton

Dripping Springs Methodist Church
"Since its inception in 2022, I have felt deeply the call of God to join this global methodist movement and help lead the people called Methodists into a new expression of Methodism that is in fact the old expression of Methodism. John Wesley, and the earliest adherents to the Wesleyan way felt a deep sense of practically becoming a holy people, set apart by God and empowered by his Spirit to transform the world. There is a fresh wind blowing in the GMC and it is my intention to be a part of it and to serve however I can to set the stage for renewal in the Global Methodist Church."

Forrest Deviney

Asbury Methodist Church
"I will be 33 when General Conference meets. The vast majority of my ministerial career will be with the Global Methodist Church. While I’m young, I have
spent over a decade serving in ministry in various roles and I was raised by a UMC pastor. I have more experience than my age might indicate and I’m quite familiar with how the UMC did things, which means I know what not to do. I am convinced part of my calling to ministry is to serve the GMC in as many ways as I can, and I believe God is calling me to serve at General Conference."

San-ky Kim

First Methodist Meridian