Equipping Ministries


Cradle to College. Reaching and discipling our next generation of Christians is a core commitment of the Global Methodist Church.

Women's Ministry

The Mid-Texas Global Methodist Women exists to provide opportunities and resources that motivate, assist, and enable women to explore their gifts, embody scripture and be equipped by the Holy Spirit to impact the world, for the glory of God.

Accountable Discipleship

Mid-Texas offers three opportunities for Discipleship Equipping: International Leadership Institute’s History Maker Leadership Training, Disciple Making Movement Training, and Training in the Historic Wesleyan practices of Class and Band Meetings

Prayer Ministries

Prayer is essential to the DNA of the Mid-Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church. We don’t just want to be churches that pray. We want to be known as the “Praying Church” in our community.

Bulgaria Partnership

During our July 6, 2023 Connectional Council meeting, a ministry partnership between the MidTexas Provisional Annual Conference and Bulgarian Provisional Annual Conference was unanimously approved.

Costa Rica Partnership

The dates for our 2024 Mission Trips to Costa Rica have been set. The focus this year will be on four areas: the Children’s Home, El Tigre Church, Guapiles Church, and Limon Church.

Church Multiplication

The Global Methodist Church is committed to planting new faith communities throughout the world with a huge goal of 3600 in seven years. In the Mid-Texas Conference, we are committed to forming these faith communities, which can be churches, fellowships, and “House Fires."