Wall Shakers Prayer Ministry

Prayer is essential to the DNA of the Mid-Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church. Jesus himself said that his House must be a House of Prayer (Matthew 21:13). We don’t just want to be churches that pray. We want to be known as the “Praying Church” in our community. This means going beyond just having a prayer chain (transaction of information) into transformation, intentional, and intercessory prayer as individuals and as local churches. One of the goals of the Mid-Texas Conference is that every church has a prayer team that meets on a weekly basis. If prayer is the business of the church, we must be about our Father’s business and pray. The Wall Shakers Workshop offers training for individuals and local churches to enhance their prayer lives and the effectiveness of prayer in the local church. Inspired by Acts 4:31, churches in the Mid-Texas Conference will experience an increase of infilling from the Holy Spirit and bold evangelism through the power of wall shaking prayer.

To learn more about starting a hosting a Wall Shakers Prayer Workshop or attending the annual autumn Wall Shakers Prayer Retreat, contact Rev. Lauren Green Yates, Director of Prayer and Congregational Care at laurengreenyates@midtexasgmc.org.

Weekly Social Media Event

This Week

Convening General Conference: 12 Days of Prayer | September 16-27

The Prayer Committee of the Transitional Commission of the Convening General Conference (TCCGC) has thoughtfully prepared 12-Day Prayer Guides to unite our hearts in prayer as we approach the Global Methodist Church’s convening General Conference. These guides, translated into all the official languages of the conference, ensure that every member can participate in this vital time of prayer and intercession.

Beginning on September 16 and continuing through September 27, the 12-Day Prayer Guides focus our prayers on the days leading up to, during, and following the convening General Conference.

Upcoming Events


Teaching individuals and churches to go beyond the prayer chain to experience wall shaking prayer through TII Prayers (transformational, intentional, intercessory prayers), Armor Prayers, Canopy Prayers, Community Prayers, Revolutionary Prayers

September 28, 2024

First Methodist Menard
Rev. Paul Meyenberg

October 5, 2025

Burnet Methodist Church
Rev. Lauren Green Yates


Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Wall Shakers Prayer Retreat November 7-9 at Minnetonka Christian Camp in Clayton, OK. Food and lodging for $90, with limited option motel rooms (only 10 available for elderly and disabled) on site at $240 for double occupancy, and RV hookup options (prices to come). Let's shake the walls with prayer! Acts 4:31