Lay Leadership

Dave Roberson

Conference Lay Leader

Dave is a Professional Engineer and Sr. Project Manager, currently working on projects across the country. He is also a Lamar University Civil and Environmental Engineering Advisory Council member. A lifelong Methodist, he has helped lead several youth mission trips through the UMARMY program, has led Sunday School classes, and is a past lay delegate of the Texas Annual Conference. A recent move to be closer to two grandsons has brought him to the Waco area and the Mid-Texas Conference.  He currently volunteers in a First Methodist Waco student ministry at Baylor and teaches a Sunday School class of families with young children at FMW. As Conference Lay Leader, his vision is to grow lay leadership throughout the Mid Texas Conference, from our smallest congregations to the largest, in lightly populated rural areas and in our largest metro regions.  It is only through Christ-centered churches that we can fulfill the great commission.  It is time to sow seeds for a great awakening.

Conference Lay Leaders

Covenant Area 1

Sandy Parker Martinez

Bowie FMC

Covenant Area 2

Mickey Wheeler

First Irving

Covenant Area 3

Kathy Gist

Leonard FMC

Covenant Area 4


Covenant Area 5

Bonita Horton

Cross Plains MC

Covenant Area 6

Sharla Cox

FMC Comanche

Covenant Area 7

Lori Maples

Pidcoke Methodist

Covenant Area 8

Caprice Marley

Hillsboro FMC

Covenant Area 9

Neil Green

Corsicana FMC

Covenant Area 10

Linda Heese

First Mart

Covenant Area 11

Kelley Cole

First San Angelo

Covenant Area 12

Cindy Hawkins

First San Saba

Covenant Area 13

Mike Embry

Dripping Springs

Covenant Area 14

Allison Davis

Gonzales FMC 

Covenant Area 15

Jim Pruett

Lytle Methodist

Covenant Area 16

Joy Jechow 

Uvalde Methodist

Covenant Area 17

Paul & Kathy Hamilton 

Victoria John Wesley 

Covenant Area 18

Darrell Johnson 

FMC  Mission

Covenant Area 19

Glynis Strause 

George West

Youth/College Ministry

Rusty Freeman 

Marble Falls

Men's Ministry


Women's Ministry

Katy Kiser

FMC  Carrollton