Here are some commonly asked questions...
Q: What is House Fires (HF)?
A: House Fires is a group of people meeting together to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, and community. House Fires is a ministry of the Mid-Texas Conference of the Global Methodist Church (GMC). Each House Fires group operates independently while receiving support from a local GMC pastor.

Q: Who can lead a House Fires group?
A: Anyone can lead a House Fires group. You don't need any certifications or special training. Simply follow along with the sessions as they are built and connect with your HF support pastor if you need anything.

Q: How do I find a group?
A: There may be a House Fires group near you, but chances are you might be the spark that ignites a move of God in your neighborhood. Either way, simply fill out the form on the primary page, and someone will be in contact with you. [click here to fill out the form]

Q: Do we have to sing?
A: No, singing is not required, but we do provide links to worship songs that support the session topic and content.

Q: Do we need childcare?
A: Childcare is not required for a House Fires session to be successful. We would suggest that fun activities be provided for any kids that may be present.

Q: How long should each session last?
A: Some groups meet for around 45 minutes, while other groups take their time and meet for up to 2 hours. One is not better than the other.  Your group will find what works best for you after a couple of meetings.

Q: Do we take an offering? What do we do when people give?
A:  For many reasons, we would suggest that the group not take up an offering until you have an established connection and relationship. Once you have this foundation in place, each House Fires group should decide together how they will take an offering and where the funds will be directed. Again, your HF support pastor can help you navigate this area when the time comes.

Q: Can we take communion?
A: Your HF support pastor will coordinate with your House Fires group to provide communion.